It’s NOT all about the KEGEL
Photo by Imani Bahati on Unsplash
Did you know that pain in the lower back, pelvis, and hips is sometimes due to an OVERACTIVE pelvic floor, as opposed to a pelvic floor that is too weak?
You might find this a little strange, in that many people are told that KEGELS are the ultimate key to lower back and pelvic pain. While it is absolutely true that Kegels (or pelvic floor contractions) are sometimes the most appropriate exercise to improve function, it is equally possible that putting too much focus on strengthening the pelvic floor will increase pain instead of decreasing it.
So, you might be wondering how will you know which exercise is best for you? Well, an internal assessment by a trained pelvic health physiotherapist is definitely the best option for an individualized treatment program. But, the following exercise can be helpful for any pelvic-floor, as it focuses on the coordination of contraction and relaxation with breathing.
Try this:
1. Lie on your back in a comfortable position with your knees bent or in the constructive rest position (calves resting on a chair). You can also try this in standing and seated once you feel more comfortable.
2. Start by visualizing your abdomen and pelvis as an elevator: your belly button is the top floor and just inside your vaginal/rectal opening is the bottom floor.
3. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose. As you breathe in, your belly and bottom of your rib cage should expand)
4. Slowly exhale through your mouth with pursed lips (blow out the birthday candles).
5. On your inhale think about relaxing the elevator from the main floor to the basement. You are not pushing down but instead relaxing the muscles on inhale. Think about the space between your sit bones increasing.
6. On your exhale think about the elevator coming back up – your sit bones are coming together and you can very gently (about 10% of your maximum force) contract your pelvic floor – the same muscles you would use to stop yourself from peeing and passing gas.
Complete this exercise for 2 minutes, 2x/day. Increase by 2 minutes per day until you can complete 10 minutes, 2x/day.
Beech Street Health Centre offers virtual physiotherapy appointments.
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