Ask Team Beech Street: Headache

Q: Why does the back of my head hurt?

A: If the back of your head hurts, it is often due to sensitivity of the occipital nerves. These nerves can become compressed with poor posture, degeneration in the spine, or after trauma such as a car accident. Compressed nerves are sensitive nerves, and will often result in referred pain, numbness, or tingling.

Treatment for nerve pain often involves manual therapy techniques to take pressure off of the nerves and exercises to improve posture and decrease nerve sensitivity. Modalities such as acupuncture can also be helpful!

If you are experiencing pain in the back of your head, you can start with this simple exercise:
Tuck in your chin and gently push your head back. Your ears should stay in the same position and your gaze should remain forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10x, 3x/day.


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