How the Tongue Affects the Teeth and Breathing

The field of Orofacial Myology has been around for quite some time but only recently is becoming better-known and making its way into the mainstream.

Anyone who has suffered from long-term allergies, had enlarged tonsils or adenoids, thumb sucked, or used a bottle, sippy cup, or pacifier for a prolonged period of time may find themselves with an orofacial myofunctional disorder - though these are just some of the causes. So what the heck is it?

An orofacial myofunctional disorder (or OMD) is an atypical pattern of functioning within the ‘orofacial complex,’ or facial area. Simply put, our tongue has a proper ‘home’ in our mouth. If something causes the tongue to take extended vacations (or permanent leave) away from this home, an OMD will occur. This is because our face shape, airways, jaw, and teeth all depend on our tongue staying in its home most of the time, in order to create a kind of natural retainer that keeps everything in place and growing healthily.


A person with an OMD may:

  • Have parted lips when at rest

  • Breathe primarily through the mouth

  • Rest the tongue against teeth and/or low in the mouth

  • Have a tongue thrust

The impact of an OMD may include:

  • Improper alignment of teeth

  • Abnormal jaw growth and positioning

  • Having difficulty eating ‘tidily’ or being slow eaters

  • Orthodontic relapse or inability to complete orthodontic program

  • Distortions in speech (lisps being the most noticeable)

The great news is that treating an OMD is typically easy, with a bit of commitment and practice. Exercises are done to strengthen certain muscles of the tongue and face while also learning how to habitually rest, eat, drink, and swallow with the tongue in its healthy position.

If you suspect you or a family member might have an OMD, booking an assessment with me is a great place to start. For more information on the topic, check out the International Association of Orofacial Myology’s online resources.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions via our contact form.


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