How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is a therapeutic method used to encourage natural healing, reduce or relieve pain, and improve the function of related areas of the body.
Stretches to Improve Your Posture
Over time, having poor posture can lead to stiffness and pain in the back and neck. Most of us don’t notice that we are slouching as poor posture can be developed very gradually.
Getting Back Into a Routine
With school starting up again and other signs of pumpkin spice popping up people are starting to get back into a more regular routine.
Did you know that having a routine can greatly improve your health? Here are some ways a routine can help!
What is Dry Needling?
Recently, Haley Flewwelling travelled to Ottawa to learn advanced techniques in dry needing skills, obtaining a level 2 certification!
So, what exactly is dry needling?
Heathy Tips for Garden Upkeep
I am sure most of you have your gardens planted by now, but I do want to remind you about a few things regarding the upkeep of your garden to keep your body happy.
Ask Team Beech Street: Morning Soreness
Q: What can I do to help reduce the pain and stiffness I feel when I wake up in the morning?
Mindfulness Exercise: The Raisin
Through desensitizing the nervous system, mindfulness has been shown to reduce pain and improve function. This is a practice and will get easier with time.
Ask Team Beech Street: Tight Shoulders
Q: The muscles surrounding my shoulder blades are always sore and tight. What can I do to help loosen them?
Ask Team Beech Street: Running
Q: I run a lot and am concerned about the long term effects on my knees and joints. What can I do to help that?
Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation Exercises
Rotator cuff injuries can be painful and if not treated correctly, could result in a lack of motion in the shoulder, or even frozen shoulder. So how do you properly heal from a rotator cuff injury and prevent long-term problems?
How Stress Affects the Body: Tips on how to De-stress
Have you been feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, or burnt out? These may be signs that you are stressed out.
Should I stretch before or after a long hike?
Stretching before and after a long hike is an essential component of keeping your body in peak physical condition and good health.
Back to School Tips | Developing Good Backpack Habits
Going back to school is a perfect time to review how to wear your backpack. Wearing a backpack improperly can cause strain on back and shoulders, which can ultimately cause long term pain and discomfort. It is never too early for kids to learn how to properly use their back pack and develop good backpack habits.
Ask Team Beech Street: Sore shoulder blade muscles
Q: Why are my shoulder blade muscles always sore and tight. What can I do in to help loosen them?
How the Tongue Affects the Teeth and Breathing
Anyone who has suffered from long-term allergies, had enlarged tonsils or adenoids, thumb sucked, or used a bottle, sippy cup, or pacifier for a prolonged period of time may find themselves with an orofacial myofunctional disorder
Too Hot to Handle! Tips for Being Active in Hot Weather
If you like to be active outdoors, read up on these tips for staying cool and healthy during the heat!
Summer Footwear: Tips for Healthy Feet
As a health care provider, we want to remind you of a few tips on choosing the footwear that is good for you and your feet!
Ask Team Beech Street: Pain in Heels
Q: I have pain in my heels. What can I do to help relieve it?
How Much Water Should I Drink During Summer?
The amount of water that is right for your body depends on several factors.